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Tips for completing program successfully:

For getting education, as you know, involves several steps such as making up the mind, sparing time, arranging finance, finding school, getting admission etc. But your all these steps may not be result oriented if you could not complete the program successfully. Successfully means that not only you are able to get the “Certificate” but also be a skilled trainee as per objectives of the program.

Each student has his own way of learning. But let’s share some of critical tips:

  1. Always come in the class with note book and pen, and keep writing the points into your note book. Because most of the time teacher’s lecture may contain the hints those are taught are based on long experience and may  not be available in books or may be hard to find in books.  Other issue you may forget all important points and steps those are discussed in the class.
  2. Try not to miss any class: Though School may have an arrangement for leave and skipped classes, but try not to miss any class. Because by missing a class student will loose the track and flow of study and regaining the flow of study may become boring and tiring, and student may loose the interest in the training.
  3. Be open with other class fellows: It is always good idea to be open with other class fellows as far your education and study is concerned. Do not hesitate to share your weaknesses in learning process. Because by doing so you will get help from other students as well. Sharing your knowledge with other students is good way to enhance the skill.
  4. Be on time: It is always good idea to be on time. Late coming students may loose the part of training, and that part could be very important. Specially at RealTech Business School where School has short term programs. Coming late or missing class may impact a lot.
  5. Focus only to one program at a time: We know some students are engaged in more than one program at a time. But we have different opinion that each type of program may need a clear-cut focus for smooth and perfect skill.   Focusing on several programs at a time may result in lack of perfect skill though one can complete them successfully.
  6. Believe in practice: Specially at RealTech Business School where all the programs are job oriented, students need lot of practice in computer lab. Without sufficient practice it may be hard for new career to learn properly and perform properly.
  7. Home Study: You must review the Class study at your home. Review and grasp the work done in School at your home on daily basis. This practice will enable to absorb the Class study on daily basis. If you do not review your class work daily, later on you may not be able to correlate or remember the several points or notes noted in the class.
  8. Ask your teacher: For any confusion you should consult your teacher after the class session or so on.
  9. Take the Exam with full preparation: Prepare well before taking the exam. Review your notes, study material etc. before taking the exam.


Courtesy by Staff of
RealTech Business School.