Admission Process is pretty simple.
Meeting with Career Counselor:
First we like the student should visit the school site and meet the career counselor. This first meeting is considered very important from the stand point of Career Counselor and Students. It gives an opportunity to the Career Counselor to develop an idea about the student. Same way it helps the student to develop an idea about the school and the programs. There will several other factors more or less personal to be discussed in the meeting.
Note: There is no consultation or obligation to visit the career counselor. But it must be with pre and confirmed appointment. We also encourage all the students to be on time, otherwise you have to wait or appointment be rescheduled.
The Admission Process will start by meeting with School Career Councelor.
Before commencing the class or permitting student in the class, student is given a detail session on orientation. Orientation will usually cover school policies, rules and disciplinary expectations, tips of securing training and question-answers by the student.
Class Schedules
Our programs are available during day-evening and weekends. Class Schedules are fixed keeping in view the flexibility and availability of students and instructor. Class Schedules will be fixed accordingly.
Note: Once the schedule is fixed for a certain week. We strongly recommend not to cancel or miss any class unless situation is beyond control. Because by doing so School will incur loss of salary of the teacher and student will loose the trail. If you have to do so please inform the School well in time.
Attending the Class
School needs all student be on time. Because most of our programs are of on hand practical training programs, we encourage all students to come with pen and note book and must keep writing all the steps on each command and function for your reference and review purpose.
School campus is strictly designated for “Non Smoking”. Students are prohibited from smoking in the school campus.
School has dress Code: Student should attend school in Business Casuals such as Dress Paint, Dress Shirt, leather shoes and professionally suitable outfit for women. Sneakers, Jeans, Caps are not recommended.