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Tips for Success At Job:

Accounting jobs are considered very serious and full of responsibilities, because one is dealing with business money and other most of  accounting functions have dead lines. For example if one forget to pay vendors on time, vendors will assess the finance charges, and those charges in some cases may be very high.

Owners and employers are serious concerned about the performance of bookkeepers and accounting staff. Accounting functions become more challenging in fast moving, fast growing, partnership (having more then one boss or working under more then one supervisor) and with multiple locations.

Bookkeepers not only to attend their work, but also to remain on the whole with vendors for paying bills, with customers for collections, with seniors getting instructions, with juniors, supervising their work, with banks for dealing with day to day cash management and several other agencies such as IRS, Tax Agencies, Insurance Companies, Telecommunications and other people. Thus one has really high chances of neglect one or other work, a work may be very important and serious. We do not consider that all job places may have such environments, but it is definite that accounting functions are more or less very responsible.

If you are new to career, we would like to give you some tips for your success for fun sake. How much they are true not known. Let’s see!

First thing keep a pen and note pad ready all the time, whether you are with boss, supervisor or on phone, and keep writing (jotting) the important instructions or discussions. Do not depend that you will keep them remember. Whenever you free revise those notes and perform the date bond functions and other important functions.

If you are new, do not change the accounting processes immediately. Do not play with accounting software without learning the current system. First perform all accounting functions as per current system they have, even though you are sure they are not good. Slowly slowly introduce your modifications. A haste change can ruin the accounting data, and other your senior and co-worker may not like it. First make a room for yourself, convince the supervisors and coworkers about the change, only then introduce the changes that also one by one.

Same way if you are new, and some one is training you, keep writing all the steps of each process so taught to you. Otherwise if you forget those steps, and you will ask again and again, management may consider you a dump and it will go against your credibility. Better develop a writing habits for your future use and reference.

Do not start finding shortcomings of other workers immediately. Because in accounting position you may need initial help from coworkers for your own success and learning, and if you start finding shortcomings in others you may lack such cooperation.

Do not show interest in other’s responsibilities, otherwise you be held responsible for other’s mistakes as well. Do not be eager to perform the functions of other seats. By doing so you may be behind in your own work and be responsible for additional responsibilities. You can do so when you are fully confident about your performance and status in the company.

Do not participate in discussion among co workers against seniors and bosses. Never know some one can convey message to them and  you may loose your credibility. In the same way you should also hesitate for back biting against your co workers with seniors. Though senior may benefit from this information, but still will not recognize you as a professional. You can do so if you have been assigned officially performance evaluation job.  

You should make priorities of various jobs as they come to you. You can fix priorities in some convenient and important order, such as:

Special Attention Matters
IRS: Tax Dead Lines,
State Sales Tax Dead Lines
Payroll Deadlines
Owners’ Instructions
Supervisor’s Instructions
Customers’ Dealing
Vendors’ Dealing
Employees’ Dealing
Co Workers’ Dealings
Your own choices
Other dealings.

Win the trust of management: Accounting positions are highly ethical subject to serious observations by the owners/supervisors. Some time supervisors arrange certain action to test their accounting staff. Employers are seriously concerned about the trustworthiness of accounting staff. You being a staff members may have lot of confidential information. So do not act that can make your boss suspicious of you. Remember accounting staff having credibility grow very fast and enjoy lot of respect and security.

Accounting is really a professional job, so you should look as a professional wearing professional dresses, even though there is no dress code. At least do not wear jean, sneakers and caps, rather wear dress paints, dress shirts, leather shoes with plain socks. Women can use same kind of suitable outfits.

Do not hide your mistakes: If you do any mistake in accounting and you come to know, do not hide. Discuss with the appropriate person. Because accounting process is such a subject where mistakes can impact the finances and reporting very badly and can be tracked easily. Do not hesitate about your position, just be honest with the job. And further do not hold other people responsible for your mistakes. It is always better to take the responsibility for correcting.

Maintain High Ethics: Accounting professionals at all levels are considered highly ethical. Being an ethical professional bring all deficiencies in the notice of management, which you think can bring damage to the business even though mistakes are done by others and reporting even though it is not your responsibility. Do not harm the business even though you are not happy with the management. Do not trade your performance with your own personal differences.

Again we have very limited scope to put in this articles. We hope our readers are enough smart to develop their on plan and strategies to be successful at the profession.

With All Best Wishes.

Courtesy from
RealTech Business School